facebook Architectural Intern: Things To Expect From The Experience

Architectural Intern: Things To Expect From The Experience

What an Architectural Intern Should Expect from the Experience? – After graduating from the architecture course, getting enrolled for the internship is a major dream. Practical work gives a great understanding of how theoretical things really work in real time. It holds invaluable importance for a student who wants to bloom into the architecture profession. Be it short-term or year-round, an internship tests what you learnt, and how good a learner is you. It is not only about the skills a student has studied during the course but also about teaching new techniques, and ways of dealing with the work. In this blog, we have talked about who are interns in the architectural field, what can they expect and what skills they will develop throughout their course.  

Who is Architectural Intern

Students who are pursuing studies in architecture do architectural internships to gain deeper insights into how a professional architect works, behaves and progresses. Architectural firms enroll students to work with them. It ensures that the students have learnt enough skills to implement safely in the real world. Generally, pupils who are in the middle or the end of their academic session seek internships to earn valid certifications and licenses. These documents witness their practical knowledge and hands-on skills making them credible for their work. Note that not all architectural interns are formally qualified or have a degree in architecture some of the companies/ firms also offer architect internships to willing candidates. So, this platform openly provides opportunities to everyone seeking to contribute with their services.  

What it is like to become an architectural intern? 

Let us read further what you can expect once you have decided on the internship program in an architectural firm.   

1. Moving with the quick and smart steps   

To be hired as an architect intern, you need to be fairly quick and smart while applying for the role. Get your portfolio, CV/ Resume all set. Who so ever architectural firm you want to work with, know their exact schedule and the process they follow. Contact them or get enrolled online, whatever the procedure is, you need to be fast here. Vacancies are filled in no time. Since these architecture design firms are aware of the university’s schedule, they will know when a particular institute is offering interns. So, be active while the programs start and apply as soon as you get to know them.  

2. Thinking outside the box as an architect intern  

This may sound cliché but it is the truth that your college only builds the foundation that also needs to be ripe. Not everything is covered in the books you might have studied in the college. It only gives you the basics, there is a lot more knowledge you will have to learn yet. Internships literally make you step out of the ordinary by challenging you to think out of the box. So, this journey will be filled with many surprises, and obstacles that you never have experienced but will surely help you gain profitable skills.  

3. An architectural intern works beyond the limits  

While working as an architecture intern stay ready to work in different ranges. Some tasks will not be related to the course you are pursuing, you can have diverse roles such as clerical, engineer, 3d artist, social media handling, research, and sometimes even as an assistant. They can assign you any task irrespective of what you have enrolled for. You must have checked their job description always filled with many roles it is because so that they can see where you work effectively.  

4. Patience for learning for better knowledge  

The architectural firm is not at all easy. This industry has owned public their safety and therefore invests a great time to polish the skills of a worker. The starting days at the company can be overwhelming and pressurized. You may want to give up at some time, but we are telling you, it is worth the wait. Here, patience for learning is tested, if you really want to grow. Keep track of your daily activities and see what have you gained that day. Do not expect to be highly professional only in a few weeks. Keep your willpower up and have faith in investing in knowledge.   

5. An architectural intern can have long working hours  

The one thing you need to keep in mind before going for an architecture internship is these people are highly dedicated to their clients. They are devoted to providing the best quality work in the decided time frame. Some architects do work overtime for urgent projects, so you can expect to stay a little longer at the working station. Thus, to impress your up-line and be a helpful employee, you should also assist them in the task even if it means working beyond hours.  

What you would learn as an architect intern? 

During the architectural internship course, students can expect to learn many soft and technical skills. Some master it only during the program while others take time to effectively learn each practice. Making 2d drafts, editing them/ revising for changes, designing 2d physical models, making 3d visualizations, working with CGI software, presentation drawings, working with experts on-site, doing project research, participating in project planning, collaborating with others from professional industries, talking to clients and handling construction drawings are main technical tasks you can expect to manage as an architect intern. Apart from that networking, communication skills, putting your ideas without being aggressive, and working with different personalities, are some of the soft skills you will surely learn during the architectural internship program. Lastly, the major thing that you will learn there and that will help you grow is introspection. During the internship, you will have a clear understanding of how professional people work. Your strengths and weaknesses will be reflected easily and they will help you decide where to put more effort. Also, it helps in sorting out if you want to continue your career as an architect or not.   

The Conclusion  

Architectural internships are awesome. They are a work of art. But at the same time can be very tough. Working with the right construction and architectural firm increases the chances of becoming a successful architect in a short time, expands your network, and gives you authenticity, a great profile and the ability to handle stressful projects. It is one of the most royal industries that demands real skills. Are you ready to become a part? Then first be ready for all the unexpected on the way. All the best…!